IJSRP Number 2; 105 -113: 2014

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Author:  Civitillo C. 1,2  PT, DO

1 G.I.O.S.B.E. Gruppo Italiano Osteopatia dello Sport Basata sulle Evidenze, Via Luigi Ferrito 95, 81016 Piedimonte Matese (Caserta) Italy

2 A.E.M.O. Accademia Europea Medicina Osteopatica – Dipartimento Ricerca, Via Gramsci 22, 81031 Aversa (Caserta) Italy


Background: Achilles Tendon (AT) midportion tendinopathy is a chronic condition which often impairs athletic performances and work capabilities, with a negative impact on people’s overall health and well-being. Since it uses the Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) as therapy, osteopathy is recommended as potentially beneficial in managing pain. The aim of this study was directed at observing the OMT effects on the variation in the intensity of pain and the AT functional disability observed pre-post OMT with the aid of the Sports Assestment-Achilles Questionnaire (VISA-A) Methods: The medical records (MR) of athletes, active during a time frame (January 2012-January 2013) who requested and received OMT sessions, were examined retrospectively. After selecting 20 potential recrutable MRs, (16:80%) were excluded, and (4:20%) which fulfilled the inclusion criteria, 1 female and 3 males, were recruited Results: At the primary end point 4 right AT and 1 left, after administration of 3 OMT sessions distributed in 1 month, showed: a variation in the average score of the intensity and of the functional disability of the VISA-A pre (50,5%) post (74%),a reduction in the duration of pain and stiffness when awakening equal to 32,5 minutes, an average drop in acute-strong pain of 41 points in the 4 cases Conclusions: The observation data of the 4 cases in relation to pain and functional disability of the AT midportion suggest that the OMT can be considered as a conservative approach that induce medical improvements, but further experimental studies need to be ensured to better investigate the OMT potential in active athletes

Key words: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment; Achilles Tendon; Sports Assestment Achilles- Questionnaire; Midportion Tendinopathy

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